Die drei Meerjungfrauen / Podcast
#diedreimjf31 – The GAME Program
GAME – Global Approach by Modular Experiments is an international research and education program for students of biology and environmental […]
Geschätzte Lesezeit: 1 Minuten

GAME – Global Approach by Modular Experiments is an international research and education program for students of biology and environmental sciences.
Every year, students are teamed up in different partner countries of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel to conduct comparable experiments all across the globe. In this way the research question, which changes every few years, can be investigated across geographical boundaries. Therefore, the results obtained through the GAME students‘ research paints a picture across several ecosystems. You can learn more about GAME here.
In our first ever episode recorded in English, Anna is interviewing two GAME students of this year’s cohort. Svea and Bruna talk about their experience with GAME in Spain and in Madeira, their research question and what to look out for if you also want to be part of GAME.
Follow them on their journey on their instagram.
Follow us for more information around the Podcast as well: @diedreimeerjungfrauen on Instagram, @diedreimjf on Twitter.
You can also follow Eva and Anna here: @evakaefer on Instagram, @evakaefer on Twitter, @anso.fi on Instagram and @anna_fiesinger on Twitter!
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Eva Rohlfer
ist Doktorandin der marinen Ökologie an der Universität Helsinki und forscht im Labor und in der Ostsee an der Rolle von bodenlebenden Tieren im Kohlenstoffkreislauf in Kuestenbereichen. In der Freizeit interessiert sie sich fuer Stricken und Nähen und ist sonst viel beim Geocachen, Sport und Reisen in der Natur unterwegs. Podcasterin: Die drei Meerjungfrauen

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